March 23, 2021

We want to see if we can speed up the development

"We want to see if we can speed up the development process by using 3D printing not just for individual parts but for an entire system.Charmeau said Airbus is testing how to print an injection assembly for an engine that is now assembled China household appliance injection mold Factory from 270 individual pieces. As a result of this, the Ariane 6 may have half the price tag of its predecessor Ariane” In Thor, the only parts that are not printed from a substance called polyamide are the electrical elements.Airbus and its US rival Boeing are already using 3D printing, notably to make parts for their huge passenger jets the A350 and B787 DreamlinerDwarfed by huge jets all around, the mini-plane Thor was nonetheless an eye-catcher at the Berlin air show this week — the small Airbus marvel is the world’s first 3D-printed aircraft.‘Radical innovations’The new 3D printers can make pieces up to 40 centimetres (15 inches) long and is of most use in particularly complex designs.

To reducing carbon emissions in aviation — with air traffic expected to double in the next 20 years — "the decisive issue is radical technical innovation in a relatively short time,” said Ralf Fuecks, head of the Heinrich Boell foundation think tank of the German Green Party."This is a test of what’s possible with 3D printing technology,” said Detlev Konigorski, who was in charge of developing Thor for Airbus, speaking at the International Aerospace Exhibition and Air Show at Berlin’s southern Schoenefeld airport.Yet to the European aerospace giant Airbus, the small pilotless propeller aircraft is a pioneer that offers a taste of things to come — an aviation future when 3D printing technology promises to save time, fuel and money.Faster & cheaperAirbus and its US rival Boeing are already using 3D printing, notably to make parts for their huge passenger jets the A350 and B787 Dreamliner.Source: www."With 3D printing, it has just three parts,” he told AFP.phys.

Windowless, weighing in at just 21 kilos (46 pounds) and less than four metres (13 feet) long, the drone Thor — short for "Test of High-tech Objectives in Reality” — resembles a large, white model airplane.Aside from the costs savings, 3D printing also promises ecological benefits as lighter jets use less fuel and spew out fewer pollutants."It brings big cost reductions on parts manufacturing,” said Alain Charmeau, head of Airbus Safran Launchers. The sky is not the limit for the technology — engineers also plan to use it in space."The printed pieces have the advantage of requiring no tools and that they can be made very quickly,” said Jens Henzler of Bavaria-based Hofmann Innovation Group, which specialises in the new technology.The future Ariane 6 rocket of European space agency ESA, set to blast off from 2020, is set to feature many printed pieces. The little plane "flies beautifully, it is very stable,” said its chief engineer Gunnar Haase, who conducted Thor’s inaugural flight last November near the northern German city of Hamburg.The metal parts produced can also be 30-50 percent lighter than in the past, and there is almost zero manufacturing waste, added Henzler, who is managing director for Hofmann industrial prototyping

Posted by: whjmdovlm at 02:12 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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March 17, 2021

The ceremony comes amid a conflict between

The US Committee for Ukrainian Holodomor-Genocide Awareness 1932-1933, citing scholars, puts the number in the three million to five million range while noting that some journalists who were in Ukraine during the 1930s gave higher figures.The White House issued a statement in remembrance of the Holodomor, saying that despite decades under totalitarian rule, Ukrainians "refused to abandon their drive for freedom and independence.Exactly how many people perished is unclear.Memorial is located just steps from the grounds of US Capitol Washington: A monument commemorating the millions of Ukrainians who died during a Soviet-era famine was unveiled in the US capital on Saturday, in a ceremony that brought back horrific memories for survivors.Ukrainians refer to the 1932-33 famine as Holodomor or "death by hunger" and blame the regime of dictator Joseph Stalin for the deliberate starvation of men, women and children."The famine was an attempt to force the Ukrainian people to their knees, to deprive us of our dignity, to destroy our national identity and to kill our hope for the right to create our own destiny in our own land," Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko told the crowd in a taped video address.

Legislation adopted by Congress and signed into law in 2006 authorized the establishment of the memorial on federal land.Gromow immigrated to the United States in 1951 and now lives in Utica, New York."This memorial is proof that neither hard times nor the criminal intent of our enemies will conquer our nation as it seeks truth, freedom, democracy and peace on its own soil and in its own country," he added, according to an English translation provided by organisers."This is the most tragic moment in our history," said Roman Panchishak, who came from New York State."Ukrainians have China dustbin mold never been the same," added the 37-year-old, clutching a small Ukrainian flag."I'm always crying," Gromow said, her eyes brimming with tears.""And as the Ukrainian people face new threats to their territory and well-being, they have once again demonstrated their resolute commitment to human dignity," it said.Drizzle provided a somber backdrop for the ceremony, which drew droves from Ukraine's US diaspora."The Kremlin, once again, as in times of Holodomor, is trying to erase Ukraine from the map.

The ceremony comes amid a conflict between Kiev and Moscow that erupted in the aftermath of 2014's pro-democracy revolt and has killed thousands. Once again the threat of death is coming from the east," Poroshenko said."It's terrible, I will never forget," 90-year-old Alla Gromow, in a wheelchair, said as she recalled how neighbours engaged in cannibalism in a desperate bid to stay alive.She recalled how her mother hid green beans in a barrel covered in snow, helping the family make it through winter.The memorial, a bronze sculpture on a stone wall depicting stalks of wheat symbolising the seizure of grain by the Soviets is located just steps from the grounds of the US Capitol and Washington's bustling Union Station.Ukraine's first lady, Maryna Poroshenko, was among a throng of people of all ages who packed nearby Columbus Circle for the ceremony, many wrapped in or waving Ukrainian flags and wearing traditional attire

Posted by: whjmdovlm at 01:14 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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March 10, 2021

The research was published in the Journal

" The research was published in the Journal of Alzheimer&China crate mold39;s Disease. "It's worth noting, we did not demonstrate any improvement in cognitive function after a single dose of medication in this study.The team led by Daniel Z.Washington: According to a recent study, the scientists have tested an anti-epileptic drug for its potential impact on the brain activity of patients with mild Alzheimer's disease.Finally, patients took a standardized cognitive test, designed to measure memory, executive functioning, naming, visuospatial ability and semantic function - capabilities all affected by Alzheimer's disease. Next, patients were given injections containing either inactive placebo or the anti-seizure drug levetiracetam, at either a low dose (2. It's too early to use the drug widely, but we're preparing for a larger, longer study," noted Press. That is, researchers saw overall increases in brain wave frequencies that had been abnormally low in Alzheimer's disease patients prior to receiving the higher dose of levetiracetam, and, likewise, saw decreases in those that had been abnormally high.

Today, it affects more than 5 million Americans, a figure that is projected to reach 16 million by 2050 as the population ages.Overall, higher doses of the anti-seizure drug appeared to normalize abnormalities seen in the patients' EEG profiles. So our findings represent an interesting new avenue. At each visit, patients were given a baseline (EEG) to measure the electrical activity in the brain. "In the field of Alzheimer's disease research, there has been a major search for drugs to slow its progression.In the study, a small group of patients with mild Alzheimer's disease visited BIDMC three times.Neither patients nor medical professionals knew which injections patients were receiving, but each patient eventually got one of each type, in a random order.5 mg/kg).5 mg/kg) or a higher dose (7. Press, MD, of the Berenson-Allen Center for Non-invasive Brain Stimulation at BIDMC, documented changes in patients' EEGs that suggest the drug could have a beneficial effect. In the seven patients who were able to complete the study protocol successfully, Press and colleagues analyzed changes in their EEGs.

After receiving the injection, patients underwent another EEG, then magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) -- which measures blood flow in the brain, another way to quantify brain activity and determine where in the brain it is taking place.The risk of developing Alzheimer's disease increases sharply with age. If this abnormal # electrical activity is leading to more damage, then suppressing it could potentially slow the progression of the disease," said Press, an Instructor of Neurology in the Cognitive Neurology Unit at BIDMC and an Associate Professor of Neurology at Harvard Medical School.Press concluded by saying, "These strategies have not led to new therapies to date. There have been a lot of disappointments. In recent years, researchers have focused on developing techniques to clear the brain of amyloid and tau protein plaques that build up and wreak havoc in the brains of patients with Alzheimer's disease

Posted by: whjmdovlm at 01:32 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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March 03, 2021

The new calculations were arrived on the basis

He announces stiff targets and programmes which at first sight appear to be difficult, if not impossible.Jaitley said ever since the present government took over, it has been working to translate the advantages of faster growth to rural India as well as to bring a significant section of people into the neo-middle class and bring people out of poverty."If we keep growing at the rate which is being projected, it is likely that next year we will be the fifth largest economy ahead of Great Britain," Jaitley said in a Facebook post titled &Barrel injection mold Factory39;The Congress Gave Slogans to Rural India - Prime Minister Modi Gave Resources'. The US tops the list followed by China, Japan, Germany and Britain.597 trillion at the end of 2017 overtaking the French economy, which was amounted at USD 2. Being the fastest growing economy for the last four years, we can look at the next decade as one of economic expansion," he added."This benefits all – irrespective of religion, caste or community."The recently released World Bank data reveals that India has now become the sixth largest economy relegating France to the seventh position.582 trillion last year. He follows it up with the actual implementation and delivers the promise," Jaitley said.

The new calculations were arrived on the basis of Indian economy's performance in 2017.5 per cent in the current fiscal, higher than 6..New Delhi: Union Minister Arun Jaitley on Friday exuded confidence that India will pip Great Britain to become the fifth largest economy in the world next year if economic expansion continues at the projected rate. The Congress provided India's poor with slogan."This is in consonance with the rest of the narrative.Crude oil prices, which were around USD 66 a barrel, in April are now hovering around USD 75 a barrel.The NDA government, under Prime Minister Narendra Modi, has ensured that rural India and the less privileged get the first right on resources and if this, along with increased expenditure, continues for the next decade the impact on India's rural poor would be significant, he said. The result of this misguided approach was that the lives of the poor did not move up significantly. The Indian economy is estimated to grow at 7-7. Today we stand to be tested in the midst of a global challenge thrown up on account of the international crude oil prices and the trade war," Jaitley said."On the contrary, the present Prime Minister is a man of many # words and many more actions.

He said the Congress party in 1970s and 1980s followed the model of "populist slogans" rather than "sound policy and actual expenditure for the welfare of the poor".He said the government's programmes for rural India will lead to increased incomes, increased social security, improved quality of life, higher income from agriculture and better healthcare.India's gross domestic product (GDP) was valued at USD 2.7 per cent growth clocked in 2017-18 fiscal. Prime Minister Modi has given them resources."The 1971 ‘Garibi Hatao' model was one of redistribution of poverty rather than the generation of wealth and resources.However, rising international crude oil prices and the global trade war would throw up challenges going forward, he said."We have already seen a significant move up in India's ranking in the ease of doing business and as a preferred investment destination. This will ensure faster growth and lead to a faster depletion in the poverty," Jaitley added. Obviously, on account of disparity in the size of the population, there would be a very significant difference in the per capita of the two countries," he said.A latest World Bank report has said that the Indian economy has become world's sixth-biggest economy, pushing France to seventh place

Posted by: whjmdovlm at 01:55 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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February 26, 2021

Its broadest index of Asia-Pacific shares outside

44 per cent, or 22 cents, lower at $49.9 per cent, the fastest rate in two years.Brent crude was down 0.18 per cent at 98.Europe's index of leading 300 shares was last down 0. New York: US stocks and government debt yields climbed on Friday, cheered by stronger-than-expected growth in the world's biggest economy that boosted bets on an imminent US rate increase, while oil prices fell amid a persisting global glut.706.32 per cent, pressured by the prospect of easy money flows being crimped should the US Federal Reserve tighten policy. It later reversed course on Friday, with prices rising and the yield falling to 0.1 per cent from 4.41 points, or 0.50.6 per cent for a weekly rise of 1.32 per cent.86 per cent.88 per cent, helped by surging British gilt and German bund yields .38.11 per cent at 105.35 per cent; Germany's DAX slipped by 0. Its broadest index of Asia-Pacific shares outside Japan was down 0.Meanwhile, business investment in equipment contracted for a fourth straight quarter and personal consumption growth slowed to 2.

Oil prices fell below $50 a barrel and were set for their biggest weekly losses in six weeks on investor doubts over OPEC's planned output cut and ahead of US rig count data that has steadily increased in the last few months.42 per cent, or 21 cents, at $50. However, the boost came largely from a recovery in inventories and a jump household appliance injection mold Factory in agricultural exports after poor soy harvests in Argentina and Brazil this year benefited sales by American exporters.The US dollar reversed losses against the yen, last up 0.32 per cent.17 per cent.12 per cent higher.28, the S&P 500 gained 4.Healthcare, which had buoyed the benchmark S&P 500 index in previous sessions, was the only negative sector due to results from Amgen and AbbVie.Germany's 10-year bund yield earlier rose to 0.38, but it was still off the three-month high it touched on Friday of 105. 

Its broadest index of Asia-Pacific shares outside Japan was down 0.79 and the Nasdaq Composite added 7..15 per cent and the STOXX 600 fell 0.219 per cent, its highest since early May.MSCI's global stock index was 0.The Dow Jones industrial average rose 52.51.The 10-year Treasury notes were last at 1.75 points, or 0.5 per cent.On Wall Street, stock indexes were higher around midday, with Chevron shares rising 3.The dollar index, which measures the greenback against a basket of six major currencies, was last down 0.3 per cent.MSCI's global stock index was 0.6 points, or 0.Yields climbIn a week marked by deep slides in prices of US and European debt, the benchmark 10-year Treasury yield climbed to a five-month high on Friday just below 1.12 per cent higher.22 per cent, to 2,137.Deutsche Bank's John Reid said bond markets were living a "nightmare" moment, Rabobank analysts deemed the recent sell-off a "bloodbath" and Bank of America Merrill Lynch warned of an "angry rise" in yields in the weeks ahead.14 per cent, to 5,223.An estimate of US second-quarter gross domestic product showed annualized economic growth of 2.The robust US GDP data for the third quarter helped pushed Treasury yields higher, with the rates futures markets now pricing in a more than 80 per cent chance the Federal Reserve would tighten rates at its December policy meeting.

Posted by: whjmdovlm at 02:15 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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February 20, 2021

It was not only pushing him towards depression

Understanding ED Better From sending acoustic waves to different parts of the male organ to oral tablets, intracavernosal injection (injection for the penis) and counselling sessions, multiple treatment options are available for ED. A case in point, Penile implants (inflatable or semi-rigid rods).While many patients let the problem psychologically affect them, they need to understand that erectile dysfunction does not mean that the possibility of a happy life has ended. This creates a vacuum that increases the flow of blood in the veins of your penis, helping you to achieve and sustain a firm erection”, says Dr Vasan.Furthermore, there process of molding are patients who require deeper clinical assistance from surgical procedures to help recover from ED. Due to the smaller network of blood vessels in the penis, they are more likely to get blocked first, leading to erectile dysfunction”, says Dr Vasan S S, Uro-Andrologist, Chairman at Manipal Fertility, Bengaluru. While the inflatable devices allow you to control the timing of maintaining an erection, the semi-rigid rods keep your penis firm but bendable..Hence, it’s time we take adequate measures and address the larger concerns.

It was not only pushing him towards depression and anxiety but also, shattering the physical intimacy he had with his wife.However, most men like Vivek do not even understand the medical condition properly and lack awareness about the existence of a medical speciality like ‘Andrology’ to treat men with ED."As the neurovascular structure of the penis is smaller and far more sensitive than the rest of the body, a man’s sexual health is often the first to show signs of damage. Being diagnosed with ED, a condition prevalent among many men with sedentary lifestyles, timely diagnosis can assure complete treatment and a bounce back to normal sex life. The tube is placed over your penis, and then the pump is used to suck out the air inside the tube.Associated comorbidities: Precursors to ED?Did you know that long working hours, sedentary lifestyles, and lack of physical activity can be precursors to ED? How? For instance, working professionals like Vivek develop symptoms of high cholesterol, type-2 diabetes and hypertension due to hectic routines.

Over a period of a few months, the sexual act can become more and more difficult to perform. ED is not merely restricted to one’s bedroom; it’s an overall health issue.With advancement in the field of andrology, patients with ED now have a better chance of enjoying personal moments.Hence, these patients require immediate clinical help.The result is, limping of the male genitalia and reduced libido followed by depression and anxiety. Take, for instance, Penis pumps. "A penis pump (vacuum erection device) is a hollow tube with a hand-powered or battery-powered pump. Take for example Atherosclerosis, a condition in which the arterial walls harden because of a build-up of plaque. Furthermore, physiological factors like obesity and injury to the urinary system, spinal cord or penis can also lead to erectile dysfunction.

Posted by: whjmdovlm at 01:46 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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February 06, 2021

One thing is very clear that we do not want

"One thing is very clear that we do not want petroleum product supplies in the domestic market to be impacted in any way,” he said. Diesel is priced at Rs 74.35 per litre..India is 81 per cent dependent on imports to meet its oil needs.58 a litre and diesel by Rs 5.08 in Mumbai.State refiners are looking at optimising crude oil inventory levels without in any way affecting fuel supplies in the domestic market, he said.52 per litre.Petrol in Kolkata costs Rs 84.Singh, however, did not say when the move will kick in saying these are ongoing discussions. In Chennai, petrol is priced at Rs 86.02 in Delhi and Rs 78."Reducing inventory levels and imports are being considered as temporary measures without impacting fuel supply in the domestic market,” he said. Brent, the benchmark for half of world’s oil, climbed to $80 per barrel from $71 in the last five weeks, and the Indian rupee lost ground against the dollar by 5-6 per cent during the same period, resulting in expensive crude imports.Dealer’s commission on petrol currently is Rs 3.9 billion on import of 94. Mumbai has the highest sales tax or VAT.9 million ton­nes of crude compared to $31 billion on the import of 89.India imported 18.

In Mumbai, petrol now costs Rs 90.08 per litre and diesel at Rs 78. It had imported 18.34 per litre.04 per litre.63 per litre and diesel comes for Rs 75.08 per litre at IOC outlets while it is priced at Rs 90.17 per litre at Hindustan Petroleum Corp (HPCL) outlets and Rs 90."We had a meeting last to last Saturday (September 15) to deliberate on a host of issues facing the industry and in that meeting, one of the options that was considered was to reduce imports by cutting down on inventory levels,” Singh said.1 million tonnes in the same period last year.72 per litre, it costs Rs 90.1 million tonnes of crude in the same period of 2017 for $6.67 per litre and comes for Rs 78.An important factor guiding the decision was also Asian Premium climbing to as high as $3-5 per barrel in last 3-4 months, he said.Asian Premium is extra charge being collected by oil-cartel Opec (Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries) members from Asian countries when selling oil in comparison to western countries.6 million tonnes of China crate mold Manufacturers crude oil in August for $9. They are looking at reducing these so that monthly imports of crude oil can be reduced, he said. During April-August, it has spent $48.India is the third largest importer of crude oil and rising international crude oil prices are inflating domestic transport fuel rates in a strong demand environment.66 per litre and that on diesel is Rs 2. Our commitment to meet domestic supplies remains supreme,” the IOC chairman said.Delhi has the cheapest fuel rates among all metros and most state capitals because of lower taxes. "This decision would in no way be allowed to impact supplies of petroleum products in the domestic market.

Petrol prices were hiked by 11 paise per litre and diesel by 5 paise, according to price notification of state-owned oil firms on Monday.58 per litre, at HPCL’s stations for Rs 78. Refiners maintain 7-8 days of inventory in tankages besides carrying stocks in pipelines as well as ships in transit.58 in Mumbai.8 billion.4 billion.According to oil companies, refinery gate price of petrol, without considering any central or state tax and dealer’s commission, is Rs 42.New Delhi: India, the world’s third-biggest oil importer, is considering cutting oil purchases to soften the blow from high crude oil prices and declining rupee, Indian Oil Corp (IOC) chairman Sanjiv Singh said on Monday.95 per litre.Retail rates are arrived at after adding excise duty, which is charged by the central government, commission paid to petrol pumps dealers and VAT, charged by the state governments.Since mid-August, the petrol price has risen by Rs 5. While petrol in Delhi costs Rs 82.Petrol on Monday crossed the Rs 90-mark in Mumbai as rates across the country touched a new high. The same for diesel is Rs 45.67 per litre at BPCL pumps.Singh said the high oil prices will in long term impact demand and so reducing imports makes sense.3 a litre – the most in any month since the daily price revision was introduced in mid-June last year.14 at Bharat Petroleum Corp (BPCL) stations.Diesel at IOC’s outlets in Mumbai costs Rs 78

Posted by: whjmdovlm at 01:43 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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February 02, 2021

Chang agreed with Goodman that the findings will shift

Chang, who was not involved in the research, said most doctors usually discuss such risks with patients, based on suggestions of an elevated risk of heart disease and stroke seen in smaller studies of people who have received hormone therapy for other reasons.4 times higher compared to female controls, crate mold Manufacturers but women are less likely to have a heart attack in that age group anyway..”"I don’t think this would dissuade anyone” from transitioning because the process is so important to those who feel they need it, Dr. A higher risk may not have been seen in transgender males because they receive their testosterone as an injection or a patch, she speculated. Alice Chang, an assistant professor in the division of endocrinology, metabolism, diabetes and nutrition at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, told Reuters Health by phone.When it came to the risk for developing a stroke caused by a blood clot, the odds for transgender women were 9. The records of 48,686 men and 48,775 women who had not undergone gender confirming treatment, all matched for race, ethnicity and year of birth, were used for comparison. The risk seems to come from hormone therapy. We’re just saying there are some questions that need to be answered to guide the therapy.Taking hormone therapy as a transgender woman did not increase the odds of a heart attack compared to non-transgender men in the control group.9 times higher compared to men in the control group and 4.

But in the key subset that had begun estrogen therapy, the odds of developing a potentially-dangerous clot were 5.Clot rates were twice as high for all transgender women.1 times greater after two years compared with non-transgender males. "Our hope is people will understand we’re not trying to scare anybody. Risks comes with benefits, and benefits come with risks. Until now, the data on whether gender confirming medical therapy treatment poses cardiovascular risks has been sparse. "This is the first large study that says we need to be aware of this (cardiovascular risk) and a lot of unanswered questions about duration, type and dosing of therapy have to be answered,” she said. It took about two years for the risks to become clear, and they increased over time."These risks need to be weighed against the important benefits of treatment,” he said. "There were so few events because the patients tended to be young,” said Goodman.The study did not look at specific formulations, combinations or doses of the hormones used in gender confirming therapy, so it remains possible that some regimens pose a lower risk than others and that’s where future research should focus, senior author Michael Goodman, a professor of epidemiology at the Rollins School of Public Health at Emory University in Atlanta, told Reuters Health in a telephone interview.The Goodman study used the cases of 2,842 transgender women and 2,118 transgender men.

Chang agreed with Goodman that the findings will shift the focus on the safest way to give hormone treatments.The risk of a dangerous type of blood clot, called a venous thromboembolism, nearly doubles for people transitioning from male to female compared to both non-transgender men and women, researchers reported in Annals of Internal Medicine. They were treated in California and Georgia in the Kaiser Permanente health system. Among transgender women who had started the therapy, the clot risk was five-fold higher after two years of follow-up compared to non-transgender men and three times higher compared to non-transgender women.1 times higher than for women in the control group, based on a follow-up period of more than six years. It takes a thoughtful healthcare provider and a well-educated patient to make an informed decision. They typically had been followed for about four years and only about 23 percent had undergone gender confirmation surgery. For transgender men, the researchers could not confirm any health risks because number of incidents was too small.And although women have lower rates of heart disease than men, the odds of stroke and heart attack for transgender women remain the same as they would be if they had not transitioned.Hormones given to people to align their sex with their gender pose a significant risk of serious blood clots and stroke among transgender women, one of the largest studies of transgender patients has concluded. The risk was 2

Posted by: whjmdovlm at 01:11 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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January 26, 2021

And the one witnessing it and sharing it with the world

Mumbai: If you ask any Indian or even someone from abroad about Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s most famous initiative for the country, the answer will most likely be the cleanliness movement, ‘Swachh Bharat Abhiyan.— Virat Kohli (@imVkohli) June 16, 2018This is not the first time the star couple has promoted an important cause. These people will keep our country clean? Yeah right! If you see something wrong happening like this, do the same & spread awareness.Lot of people who don&Barrel injection mold39;t have the courage to do something like this find it funny.

Travelling in a luxury car and brains gone for a— Virat Kohli (@imVkohli) June 16, 2018It is not clear # if the incident took place in Mumbai or Delhi or some other city.It seems the video also received some unwanted comments from the trolls and Virat shot off another tweet later on, calling all the memes finding the video funny, a shame. He asked his fans to do the same if they see a similar incident.So Virat on Saturday shared this video on Twitter of Anushka giving a man, travelling in a luxury car, a piece of her mind for littering the streets.But perhaps supporting that initiative might not have made the same difference as what she did recently can make. Everything for people nowadays is meme content.’The PM has gone on to nominate several celebrities from across fields in the last few years, one of them also being Anushka Sharma. @AnushkaSharma pic.Virat expressed his disgust, tweeting about 'pulling them up' for travelling in a luxury car, but showing ignorance towards cleanliness.

And the one witnessing it and sharing it with the world, was none other than her husband and Indian cricket captain Virat Kohli. Shame.twitter.”Saw these people throwing garbage on the road & pulled them up rightfully. The actress had also shot a video to promote fitness after being nominated by Virat, a challenge led by Union Minister Minister of State (Independent Charge) for Youth Affairs and Sports Rajyavardhan Rathore. Use a dust bin.The actress has taken the movement seriously, famously taking up the broom to take clean Versova Beach in Mumbai last year.In the video, a heated Anushka is seen furiously pointing the man to bring his car forward and then she screams at him, "Why you’re throwing garbage on the road? Please be careful, you can’t just throw plastic around like that on the streets

Posted by: whjmdovlm at 02:29 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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